Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore

Dipartimento di Economia agro-alimentare

Direttore: Prof. Paolo Sckokai


BioMonitor (RIA H2020; 2018-2021) is coordinated by Wagenigen University.  BioMonitor addresses the information gap in the bioeconomy research by re-structuring its existing data and modelling framework. The BioMonitor framework will enable professional stakeholders to monitor and measure the bioeconomy and its economic, environmental and social impacts in the EU Member States. The UCSC team is coordinated by prof. Claudio Soregaroli.

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PEGaSus (ERA-NET H2020; 2017-2019) is coordinated by Leibniz Institute for Farm Animal Biology (FBN). The strategic aim of PEGaSus is to provide solutions to secure sufficient supplies of high quality animal products from resource-efficient and economically competitive agro-systems that are valued by society and preserve soil and water ecosystems. The UCSC team is coordinated by prof. Paolo Sckokai.

Strengthening regional innovation policies to build sustainable food chains.



MIND-STEP Modelling Individual Decisions to Support the European Policies Related to Agriculture

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Pubblicazioni SMEA

Sul sito dell'OMPZ è disponibile l'ultimo numero della Newsletter "Il Mercato del Latte"
Focus sulle produzioni, gli utilizzi e gli scambi di latte e derivati


È online il nuovo e-book Il Mercato del Latte Rapporto 2021
Pubblicato dall'OMPZ rappresenta un’analisi dell’intera filiera lattiero-casearia