Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore

Registration online

Registrations will be open till 11th July 2016.


Fees comprise for everyone:

  • Subscription to the ESA midterm Conference
  • Coffee breaks
  • 2 Lunches
  • Conference materials

In addiction we provide a Conference Dinner on 12th September 2016 payable in a unique solution during the registration process for conference attendances and other guests. It will happen at Domus Restaurant, near the University.

In order to finalize the registration it is necessary to pay the conference fees. The conference fees are due as follows:

  • Full rate: € 75,00
  • ESA Members only € 60 [1]
  • PhD University students: € 65*
  • PhD students ESA-members only: € 50 [2]
  • Conference Dinner (12th of Sept): € 20,00 for conference attendants
  • Conference Dinner (12th of Sept): € 33,00 for other guests**

[1] ESA members must communicate their ESA ID by email to: esa2016milan@gmail.com

* PhD students must enclose on email a letter from an appropriate authority or the Student Card, to confirm student status after the registration to elisa.ballerini@unicatt.it

[2] ESA members must communicate their ESA ID by email to: esa2016milan@gmail.com

**Guests interested in Conference Dinner who will not attend the Conference must register themselves and pay online

To finalize the conference payment, please select one of the following options:

  1. Full rate: € 75
  2. Full rate + Conference Dinner: € 95
  3. ESA members: € 60
  4. ESA members + Conference Dinner: € 80
  5. PhD Student: € 65
  6. PhD Student + Conference Dinner: € 85
  7. PhD Student ESA member: € 50
  8. PhD Student ESA member + Conference Dinner: € 70
  9. Conference dinner only (1 guest): € 33

The payment could be made by the following  options:

  • Option 1: by credit card
  • Option 2: bank transfer to “Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore”; Bank: Intesa San Paolo; IBAN: IT07 W 03069 03390 211610000191; Conto Coge: 02B20720; SWIFT BIC: BCITITMM988. You need to mention your full name and the ESA 2016 Intern Conference in the bank transfer’s reference. If you use Option 2 you also have to send a copy of the receipt of your wire transfer by email at formazione.permanente-mi@unicatt.it.