Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore


N. 142-146

146. Challenges and issues of the financial sector concerning the european union in the forthcoming years
Angelo Federico Arcelli - Andrea Federico - Francesco Timpano, Dicembre 2019 (ISBN 978-88-343-4161-2)

145. Standard logistics competencies: are they enough to operate in maritime? An explorative study
Franca Cantoni - Paolo Gaetano Bisogni , Dicembre 2019 (ISBN 978-88-343-4160-5)

144. Productivity and earnings at Firms’ Local Unit Level: the case of Lombardy urban and non-urban agglomerations
Eleonora Bartoloni - Maurizio Baussola , Novembre 2019 (ISBN 978-88-343-4147-6)

143. Six-Sigma. The effects of a disciplined data-driven approach on HR management in SMEs
Franca Cantoni - Marco Sala - Roberta Virtuani , Ottobre 2019 (ISBN 978-88-343-4104-9)

142. Households at risk of severe material deprivation: the cases of Italy and Spain
Chiara Mussida - Maria Laura Parisi, Luglio 2019 (ISBN 978-88-343-4026-4)