Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore

ISSBD Regional Workshop 2018

 25 settembre 2017

The Regional Workshop of the International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development (ISSBD) will take place on 5-6-7 February 2018 in Milan, Italy.

Important dates:

Deadline for submission:  20 September 2017
Applicants will receive feedback by:  20 October 2017

The interplay between cognitive and socio-emotional factors in determining developmental outcomes is a hot topic in developmental literature.
A growing body of data shows how cognitive processes and personal achievements observed and assessed in various contexts are influenced by the number and quality of social and affective relationships over the life-span; conversely, it is also increasingly recognized that social competencies are based on cognitive abilities, which do not flourish in a social vacuum.

The focus on this interplay requires a complex, non-linear conception of causality as well as the use of appropriate methodologies.
Individual differences are conceived as emerging within the frame of relationships which are specific in terms of structure, socio-emotional features, and contextual aspects, all factors that can be investigated through research programs open to a multifaceted view of development.
In this perspective, laboratory studies, qualitative measures, training interventions and neuroscientific researches can cooperate to build multi-method programs apt to better grasp this complexity.