Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore



The PURE project is supported by the European Commission through the Seventh Framework Programme under contract number 265865.

The overall objective of PURE is to provide practical IPM solutions to reduce dependence on pesticides in selected major farming systems in Europe, thereby contributing to a reduction of the risks to human health and the environment and facilitating the implementation of the pesticides package legislation while ensuring continued food production of sufficient quality.

PURE will provide integrated pest management (IPM) solutions and a practical toolbox for their implementation in key European farming systems (annual arable and vegetable, perennial, and protected crops) in which reduction of pesticide use and better control of pests will have major effects. For each of six selected farming systems, PURE will combine existing methods with new tools and technologies into novel IPM solutions addressing the biological, agronomical and economic diversity in Europe.

The process relies on a generic methodological package and on six activities dedicated to the six farming systems, in which a design-assessment-adjustment cycle will be adopted to ensure continuous validation and improvement of the IPM solutions. IPM solutions will range from easy to adopt combinations of tactical control methods to more ambitious solutions involving strategic changes at farm level.

With the participation of industries, PURE will exploit recent advances in emerging technologies, plant-pest-enemies interactions, soil and landscape ecology and pest evolution to feed IPM solutions with innovative diagnostic and decision support systems, physical devices and bio-products, strategies for ecological pest regulation and improved durability of control methods. PURE will test the efficacy, practicability and relevance of IPM solutions under the agro-ecosystems and farming conditions of the main broad European regions by on-station and on-farm experiments and will perform a comparative assessment of their environmental, economic and social sustainability. By jointly involving researchers and the key actors of pest management (farmers, advisors, policy makers and actors of the food supply chain) in design and assessment, PURE will facilitate the adoption of these innovative IPM solutions.

PURE will thereby contribute to reduce the risks to human health and the environment and the dependence on pesticides and will facilitate the implementation of the pesticides package legislation.

PURE associates:

  • 14 European research institutes or universities
  • 2 extension organizations
  • 5 industries
  • 1 project management consulting company.


It is coordinated by INRA, France