- Piacenza
- Dipartimento di Scienze economiche e sociali
- Eventi
- Wealth management behavioral finance
- Call for Papers
Call for Papers
Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore - Piacenza Campus organizes an international conference on behavioral finance applied to wealth management.
A maximum of 12 papers will be selected by a Scientific Committee to be presented and discussed during the conference.
Consideration of acceptance will be given only to papers in English. Submitted papers should not exceed the maximum of 20 pages (double spaced).
Papers dealing with behavioural finance issues are all welcome.
The Scientific Committee intends to encourage the following macro-topics:
- The impact of the introduction of the Market in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID 2) on investors’ behaviour;
- Endowment effect in financial asset;
- Endowment effect in non-financial asset (e.g. real estate, firms, artwork);
- Decisions in succession field: the generational change and its impact on the investor’s assets and the entrepreneur in particular;
- Decisions in insurance field;
- Decisions in retirement field and retirement pension planning;
- Real estate and the investors’ decision-making;
- Biases observed in advisors’ behaviour and decision-making;
- Asset allocation decision-making (concerning investors, advisors or asset managers) including non-financial assets;
- Risk perception in financial and non-financial assets.
For each selected paper, an author will be invited to present and discuss the paper during the conference.
Università Cattolica will refund the travel costs and will support the accommodation costs for each presenting author.
Extended submission deadline: 15th February 2017
Communication of acceptance: 31 st March 2017
The paper (at least 70% completed) should be sent to Mrs Claudia Vacchelli to the following address: claudia.vacchelli@unicatt.it
Dipartimento di Scienze economiche e sociali
- Il dipartimento
- Collaboratori
- La Ricerca
- Attività formativa
- Eventi
- Pasinetti and the Classical Keynesians
- Il valore della Sostenibilità - dinamiche di rilevazione e rendicontazione
- Apprendimento degli adulti e personalizzazione
- Wealth management behavioral finance
- Programme
- Call for Papers
- Important deadlines
- Scientific committee
- Contact
- Registration
- The Venue
- Accommodation
- La Riforma del terzo settore nella legge-delega 6 giugno 2016 n. 106. Analisi e proposte
- Linee guida per una riforma della non autosufficienza
- Quale futuro per i diritti sociali? Utenti, famiglie e amministrazioni alla prova del nuovo ISEE
- Convegno ADEIMF
- Convegno RSA
- Convegno AIDEA
- Innovation and competitiveness in Europe
- Seminari
- I nostri docenti come relatori a ...
- Archivio eventi
- L'evoluzione del sistema valutario internazionale - Euro, dollaro, Yuan e valute digitali
- Giornata di studio “Ripensare l’economia con Luigi Lodovico Pasinetti”
- Working papers
- Contatti
- Notizie
- Link utili