Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore


Baglioni, A. 2023. “Monetary policy implementation: which “new normal”?”, Journal of International Money and Finance, vol.141.

Balduzzi, P. 2023. “La nuova delega fiscale: che cosa cambierà?”, Aggiornamenti sociali, 12 (74), pp. 655-663.

Balduzzi, P., and M.F. Ambrosanio. 2023. “La prima legge di bilancio del governo Meloni”, Aggiornamenti sociali, 4 (74): 254-261.

• Barbetta, G.P., P. Chuard-Keller, G. Sorrenti, and G. Turati. 2023. “Good or Bad? Understanding the Effects over Time of Multigrading on Child Achievement”, Economics of Education Review, 96, 102442, 1-8.  

Boitani, A., and A. Pezzoli. 2023. “Antitrust e lotta alle disuguaglianze: obiettivo esplicito o esternalità consapevole?”, Mercato concorrenza regole, a. XXV, n. 1-2, pp. 15-43.

Boitani, A. 2023. “Merito, Meritocrazia e disuguaglianza”, Dizionario di dottrina sociale della Chiesa. Le cose nuove del XXI secolo, 4: 7-15.

Bordignon, M., and G. Turati. 2023. “Evoluzione e prospettive del debito pubblico in un periodo di crisi permanente”, in M. Baldini, M. D’Antoni, C. Mazzaferro, L. Rizzo, and S. Toso (eds.), La finanza pubblica italiana: Rapporto 2022-2023, Bologna: Il Mulino, pp. 315-343.

Bordignon, M., L. Rizzo, and G. Turati. 2023. “L’autonomia differenziata”, in M. Baldini, M. D’Antoni, C. Mazzaferro, L. Rizzo, and S. Toso (eds.), La finanza pubblica italiana: Rapporto 2022-2023, Bologna: Il Mulino, pp. 287-314.

Colombo, L., and U. Galmarini. 2023. “Taxation and Anti-smoking Campaigns: Complementary Policies in Tobacco Control”, Journal of Policy Modeling, 45 (1): pp. 31-57.

Colombo, L., and V. Böhm. 2023. “Technology Choice with Externalities”, Rivista internazionale di scienze sociali, 1: 65-93.

Colombo, L., with M. Longo, M. Motolese, and C.K. Nielsen. 2023. “Gerd Weinrich: Economic Theory in the Service of Policy Design”, Rivista internazionale di scienze sociali, 1: pp. 5-17.

• Colombo, S., and A. Mukherjee 2023. “Location of firms and outsourcing”, Games, 14: 70.

Colombo, S., with L. Filippini, and A. Pignataro. 2023. “Information sharing, personalized pricing, and collusion”, forthcoming in Information Economics and Policy.

Colombo, S., and L. Lambertini. 2023. “R&D investments with spillovers and endogenous product differentiation”, Regional Science and Urban Economics, 98: 103861.

Colombo, S., with L. Filippini, and D. Sen. 2023. “Patent licensing and capacity in a Cournot model”, Review of Industrial Organization, 62: 45-62.

Colombo, S., and Z. Hou. 2023. “Transportation gas emissions with online retailing: a spatial model”, Spatial Economic Analysis, 18: 7-22.

Colombo, S., and E. Berbenni. 2023. “The impact of pandemics on the labour market: insights from an Italian company archive during the Spanish Flu”, Letters in Spatial and Resource Sciences, 16: n° 11.

Colombo, S., with E. Berbenni, and C. Cantù. 2023. “Competing or coopeting? Italian banking rivalry in Egypt, 1924-1940”, Journal of Management History, 29: 205-231.

Delli Gatti, D., A. Glielmo, M. Favorito, and D. Chanda. 2023. “Reinforcement Learning for Combining Search Methods in the Calibration of Economic ABMs” with Proceedings of the 4th ACM International Conference on AI in Finance (ICAIF ’23), Brooklyn, NY.

Di Domenico, L., with M. Raberto, and K. Safarzynka. 2023. “The circular economy mitigates the material rebound due to investments in renewable energy”, Journal of Cleaner Production.

Di Domenico, L. 2023. “Multiplicity and not necessarily heterogeneity: implications for the long-run degree of capacity utilization”, Journal of Economic Interaction and Coordination.

Di Domenico, L., with G.  Brondino, and D. Romaniello. 2023. “Hysteresis and Cost-push inflation: Which implications for monetary policies?”, Rivista Internazionale di Scienze Sociali, Vita e Pensiero, Pubblicazioni dell’Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, 131 (2): 273-290.

Di Domenico, L., with G. Ciaffi, and M. Deleidi. 2023. “Spesa pubblica, moltiplicatori fiscali e sostenibilità del debito pubblico”, Economia e Politica, 15 (25): 1-9.

Dragomirescu-Gaina, C., with D. Philippas, and S. Goutte. 2023. “How to ‘Trump’ the energy market: Evidence from the WTI-Brent spread”, Energy Policy, 179: 113654.

Dragomirescu-Gaina, C., and A. Boitani. 2023. “News and narratives: A cointegration analysis of Russian economic policy uncertainty”, Economics Letters, 226: 111094.

Femminis, G., and G. Piccirilli. 2023. “Optimal policy with dispersed information and uncertain monetary transmission”, Economics Letters, 229: 111204.

Ghisolfi, S., with I. Almas, T. Bold, T. von Carnap, and J. Sandefur. 2023. “The macroeconomics of pandemics around the world: Lives versus livelihoods revisited”, Journal of Development Economics, 163: 103099.

Grillo, M. 2023. “Market competition, efficiency and economic liberty”, International Review of Economics, 70: 437-456.

Le Moglie, M., with G. Daniele, and F. Masera. 2023. “Pains, Guns and Moves: The Effect of the U.S. Opioid Epidemic on Mexican Migration”, Journal of Development Economics, 160: 102983

Le Moglie, M., with G. Daniele, and A.  Aassve. 2023. “Never Forget the First Time: The Persistent Effects of Corruption and the Rise of Populism in Italy”, forthcoming in The Journal of Politics.

Lucifora, C., B. Fanfani, e D. Vigani. 2023. “Employer Associations in Italy: Trends and Economic Outcomes”, forthcoming in British Journal of Industrial Relations.

Lucifora, C., A. Fenizia, D. Checchi. 2023. “Public- and private-sector jobs: a cross-country perspective, Oxford Economic Papers, 1–21.

Ovidi, M., D. Checchi, and L. Cappellari. 2023. “Examining the impact of educational reforms on schooling and competences in PIAAC”, in P. Mattei, X. Dumay, E. Mangez, and J. Behrend (eds.), Oxford Handbook of Education and Globalization, Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Panebianco, F., with P. Battigalli, and P. Pin. 2023. “Learning and Selfconfirming Equilibria in Network Games”, Journal of Economic Theory, 212: 105700.

Panebianco, F., with V. Boucher, C. Del Bello, T. Verdier, and Y. Zenou. 2023. “Education Transmission and Network Formation”, Journal of Labor Economics, 41 (1): 129-173.

•  Panebianco, F., S. Della Lena, and E. Manzoni. 2023. “On the transmission of guilt aversion and the evolution of trust”, Games and Economic Behavior, 142: 765-793.

•  Panebianco, F., N. Karagiannis-Axypolitidis, G. Bonanomi, and F. Giannino. 2023. “Plants’ competition under autotoxicity effect: an evolutionary game”, Optimization Letters, 1-18.

Sandi, M., with R. Disney, J. Gathergood, and S. Machin. 2023. “Does Homeownership Reduce Crime? A Radical Housing Reform from the UK”, Economic Journal, 133 (655): 2640–2675.

Santoro, E., with H. Bouakez, and O. Rachedi. 2023. “The Government Spending Multiplier in a Multi-Sector Model”, American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, 15: 209-239.

Turati, G. 2023. “Che cosa blocca l’attuazione della riforma della sanità territoriale (e non solo)? Qualche spunto di riflessione”, Corti Supreme e Salute, n. 2, 2-5.

Turati, G., M. C. Nurchis, and A. Heidar Alizadeh. 2023. “La relazione tra inquinamento e salute: una lettura interdisciplinare tra economia sanitaria e sanità pubblica”, in A. Ferrara (eds.), Le conseguenze economiche delle crisi globali. Interazioni tra ambiente, salute ed economia, Sarzana-Lugano: Agorà & Co., Tomo I, cap. 17, pp. 399-422.

Turco, E., with E. Ciola, A. Gurgone, D. Bazzana, S. Vergalli, and F. Menoncin. 2023. “Enter the MATRIX model: a Multi-Agent model for Transition Risks with application to energy shocks”, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 146: 104589.

Turco, E., with D. Bazzana, M. Rizzati, E. Ciola, and S. Vergalli. 2023. “Energy price shocks and stabilization policies in the MATRIX model”, Energy Policy, 177: 113567.

Turco, E., with D. Delli Gatti, and S. Reissl. 2023. “V for Vaccines and Variants”, Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 33: 991-1046.