Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore


Il gruppo è composto da docenti e studiosi di microeconomia teorica ed applicata.

L'attività di ricerca dell'area include l'analisi delle relazioni industriali e della collusione, finanza e banche, mercati assicurativi, brevetti e licenze, acquisizione delle informazioni, investimenti in ricerca e sviluppo ed innovazione.

I componenti del gruppo insegnano corsi a livello "undergraduate" e "graduate in microeconomia, economia dell'innovazione e competitività ed organizzazione industriale.

Una descrizione più completa degli interessi di ricerca dell'area è disponibile presso la pagina in inglese del sito.

Principali pubblicazioni:

  • Panebianco, F., P. Battigalli, e P. Pin. 2023. “Learning and Selfconfirming Equilibria in Network Games”, Journal of Economic Theory, 212: 105700.
  • Panebianco, F., V. Boucher, C. Del Bello, T. Verdier, e Y. Zenou. 2023. “Education Transmission and Network Formation”, Journal of Labor Economics, 41 (1): 129-173.
  • Colombo, S., e L. Lambertini. 2023. “R&D investments with spillovers and endogenous product differentiation”, Regional Science and Urban Economics, 98: 103861.
  • Colombo, S., e A. Pignataro. 2022. “Information accuracy and collusion”, Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, 31: 638-656.
  • Colombo, S. 2022. “Prisoner dilemma in a vertical duopoly with managerial delegation”, Managerial and Decision Economics, 43: 1476-1481.
  • Della Lena, S., e F. Panebianco. 2021. "Cultural transmission with incomplete information", Journal of Economic Theory, 198: 1053-73.
  • Battaggion M.R., e P. Tedeschi. 2021. "How do demand and costs affect the nature of innovation?", Journal of Economics, 133: 199-238
  • Galliera, A., e E.E. Rutström. 2021. "Crowded out: Heterogeneity in risk attitudes among poor households in the US.", Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, 63, 103–132. 
  • Femminis, G., e G. Piccirilli. 2021. “Efficient information acquisition with heterogeneous agents”, Economics Letters, 207, article 110025.
  • Currarini S., G. Ursino, e A.K.S. Chand. 2020. “Strategic Transmission of Correlated Information”, The Economic Journal.
  • D'Adda, G., A. Galliera, e M. Tavoni. 2020. "Urgency and engagement: Empirical evidence from a large-scale intervention on energy use awareness", Journal of Economic Psychology, 102275.
  • Angelovski, A., A. Galliera, e W. Güth, W. 2019. "Partial Versus General Compulsory Solidarity: an Experimental Analysis", Homo Oeconomicus, 36: 249–279.
  • Colombo, S. 2019. “Does licensing promote innovation?”, Economics of Innovation and New Technologies, 29 (2): 206-221.
  • Colombo, S., e Z. Hou. 2019. “On spatial competition with quadratic transport costs and one online firm”, Annals of Regional Science, 63: 241-247.
  • Tedeschi P., e F. Barigozzi. 2019. “On the credibility of ethical banking”, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 166 (C ): 381-402.
  • Colombo, S. 2018. “Behavior-and characteristic-based price discrimination”, Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, 27: 237-250.
  • Colombo, S., e M. Scrimitore. 2018. “Managerial delegation under capacity commitment: a tale of two sources”, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 150: 149-161.
  • Galliera, A. 2018. “Self-selecting random or cumulative pay? A bargaining experiment”, Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 72: 106-120.
  • Di Cagno, D., A. Galliera, W. Güth, e N. Pace. 2018. “Behavioral Patterns and Reduction of Sub-Optimality: An Experimental Choice Analysis”, Theory and Decision, 85: 151-177.
  • Di Cagno, D., A. Galliera, W. Güth, e L. Panaccione. 2018. “Intention-Based Sharing”, Games, 9 (2): 1-24.
  • Di Cagno, D., A. Galliera, W. Güth, e L. Panaccione. 2018. “Gender Differences in Yielding to Social Influence An Impunity experiments”, Games, 9 (4), 86.
  • Panebianco, F., e T. Hellmann. 2018. “The Transmission of Continuous Cultural Traits in Endogenous Social Networks”, Economics Letters, 167: 51-55.
  • Panebianco, F., G. Olcina, e V. Calabuig. 2018. “Team Production and Culture”, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 149:32-45.
  • Tedeschi P., G. Ursino, and L. Serio. 2018. “Making Sense of (Ultra) Low Cost Flights: Vertical Differentiation in Two-Sided Markets”, Management Science, 64 (1), 401-420.
  • Tedeschi P., G. Ursino, e S. Piccolo. 2018. “Deceptive Advertising with Rational Buyers”, Management Science, 64 (3): 1291-1310.
  • Attanasi, G., N. Georgantzìs, V. Rotondi, e D. Vigani. 2018. “Lottery- and survey-based risk attitudes linked through a multichoice elicitation task", Theory and Decision, 84 (3): 341-372.
  • Di Cagno, D., A. Galliera, W. Güth, N. Pace, e L. Panaccione. 2017. "Experience and gender effects in acquisition experiment with value messages", Small Business Economics, 48 (1), 71-97.
  • Di Cagno, D., A. Galliera, W. Güth, W., F. Marzo, e N. Pace, N. 2017. "(Sub) Optimality and (Non) Optimal Satisficing in Risky Decision Experiments", Theory and Decision, 83 (2): 195-243.
  • Colombo, L., H. Dawid, M. Piva, e M. Vivarelli. 2017. “Are R&D Investments by Incumbents Decreasing in the Availability of Complementary Assets for Start-ups?”, Small Business Economics, 49 (3): 513-531.
  • Colombo, S., e L. Grilli. 2017. “Should I stay or should I go? Founder’s decision to exit from an entrepreneurial venture during an industrial crisis”, Industry and Innovation, 24: 97-121
  • Panebianco, F., e T. Verdier. 2017. “Paternalism, Cultural Transmission and Diffusion on Complex Networks”, Games and Economic Behavior, 105: 155-176.
  • Panebianco, F., S. Currarini, e E. Fumagalli. 2017. “Games on Networks: Direct Complements and Indirect Substitutes”, Games and Economic Behavior, 105: 40-58.
  • Panebianco, F., L. Mittone, e A. Santoro. 2017. “The Bomb-Crater Effect of Tax Audits: Beyond Misperception of Chance”, Journal of Economic Psychology, 61: 225-243.
  • Abrardi, L., L. Colombo, e P. A. Mori. 2016. “Customer Ownership and Quality Provision in Public Services under Asymmetric Information”, Economic Inquiry, 54 (3): 1499-1518.
  • Colombo, L., e H. Dawid. 2016. “Complementary Assets, Start-Ups and Incentives to Innovate”, International Journal of Industrial Organization, 44: 177-190.
  • Colombo, S. 2016. “Does behaviour-based price discrimination foster firms differentiation?”, Bulletin of Economic Research, 68: 111-122.
  • Colombo, S. 2016. “Imperfect behaviour-based price discrimination”, Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, 25: 563-583
  • Colombo, S. 2016. “Location choices with non-linear demand function”, Papers in Regional Science, 95: S215-S226.
  • Colombo, S. 2016. “Mixed oligopolies and collusion”, Journal of Economics, 118 (2): 167-184.
  • Colombo, S., e L. Filippini. 2016. “Revenue royalties”, Journal of Economics, 118 (1): 47-76.
  • Di Cagno, D., A. Galliera, W. Güth, N. Pace, e L. Panaccione. 2016. Make-up and suspicion in bargaining with cheap talk: An experiment controlling for gender and gender constellation. Theory and Decision, 80(3): 463-471.
  • Di Cagno, D., A. Galliera, W. Güth, e L. Panaccione. 2016. "A hybrid public good experiment eliciting multi-dimensional choice data", Journal of Economic Psychology, 56: 20-38.
  • C. Altomonte, S. Gamba, M.L. Mancusi, e A. Vezzulli. 2016. “R&D investments, Financing Constraints, Exporting and Productivity”, Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 25 (3): 283-303.
  • Panebianco, F., A. Antoci, A. Delfino, F. Paglieri, e F. Sabatini. 2016. “Civility vs. Incivility in Online Social Interactions: an Evolutionary Approach”, PLoS ONE, 11 (11).
  • Panebianco, F. 2016. “The Role of Persuasion in Cultural Evolution Dynamics”, International Review of Economics, 63 (3): 233-258.
  • Colombo, S. 2015. “Should a firm engage in behaviour-based price discrimination when facing a price discriminating firm? A game-theory analysis”, Information Economics and Policy, 30: 6-18.
  • Di Giacomo, M., M. Piacenza, F. Scervini, e G. Turati. 2015. “Should we resurrect ‘TIPP flottante’ if oil price booms again? Specific taxes as fuel consumer price stabilizers”, Energy Economics, 51: 544-552.
  • Piccolo S., E. Tarantino e G. Ursino. 2015. The Value of Transparency in Multidivisional Firms, International Journal of Industrial Organization, 41 (C): 9-18.
  • Piccolo S., P. Tedeschi, e G. Ursino. 2015. “How Limiting deceptive Practices Harms Consumers”, The Rand Journal of Economics, 46 (3): 611-624.
  • Ursino, G. 2015. “Supply Chain Control: A Theory of Vertical Integration”, The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy, 15 (4): 1831-1866.
  • Colombo, L., e H. David. 2014. “Strategic Location Choice under Dynamic Oligopolistic Competition and Spillovers”, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 48: 288-307.
  • Colombo, L., G. Femminis e A. Pavan. 2014. “Information Acquisition and Welfare, The Review of Economic Studies, 81: 1438–1483.
  • Colombo, S., e L. Filippini. 2014. “Licensing and innovation: comment”, Economics Letters, 1: 353-356.
  • Colombo, S. 2014. “Fee versus royalty licensing in spatial Cournot competition”, Annals of Regional Science, 52: 859-879.
  • Mancusi, M.L., A. Vezzulli. 2014. “R&D and Credit Rationing in SMEs”, Economic Inquiry, 52 (3): 1153-1172.
  • Mancusi, M.L., S. Breschi, C. Lenzi, e F. Malerba. 2014. “Knowledge-Intensive Entrepreneurship: Sectoral Patterns in a Sample of European High-Tech Firms”, Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, 26 (7): 751-764.
  • Panebianco, F. 2014. “Socialization Networks and the Transmission of Interethnic Attitudes”, Journal of Economic Theory, 150: 583-610.