Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore

Serie antiche


The "Antique Series" partition of the archival complex of the Visconti di Modrone family includes 140 folders bearing the old "M" pressmark which probably contain the oldest part of the entire documentation. These folders were not ordered by the 19th-century archivists, because they were considered useful for administrative purposes and therefore set aside in a sort of archival depository. The folders are classified according to titles not present in the rest of the family archive: Banchi, collegi, monti, accademie; Censimento; Corrispondenza; Fedecommessi; Feudi; Giudiziaria; Gridario. The documents cover a chronological period from 1288 to 1942.

A recent inventory survey was carried out on the archival fonds, which revealed considerable disorder among the documents inside the folders, without any further classification criteria; in any case, an analytical filing system was applied, and an inventory was produced that groups the folders by pressmarks, describing the pressmarks found.

Banchi, collegi, monti, accademie (1473-1842): containing documentation regarding civic, public and private banks of various cities, the Banco di S. Ambrogio, Monte di Pietà, Monte di S. Teresa
Censimento (1701-1800): containing ownership notifications and land registers
Corrispondenza 1550-1840: particularly the correspondence of Monsignor Filippo Pirovano
Fedecommessi (1449-1795)
Giudiziaria (1595-1633): contains documents relative to the Inquisitor and the Congregazione dei Quaranta Croce Segnati di S. Pietro Martire and the acts of the trial of Don Giovanni Gaytano de Padilla, for spreading the plague.
Gridario (1578-1864): contains a total of 812 edicts, organized by the issuing party.

A few folders from the 17th and 18th centuries are filed under the title Varie.