Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore

Religioni e società allo studio di EARS

 25 febbraio 2021

«Affrontare questioni sociali, cercare una nuova legittimazione della disciplina delle scienze religiose, rendere la conoscenza accademica disponibile a tutta la società e svolgere un ruolo serio nei dibattiti sul futuro dell'umanità». Si potrebbe condensare in queste parole di Francesca Perugi, ricercatrice del dipartimento di Scienze religiose dell’Università Cattolica, il cuore dell’attività di EARS, European Academy on Religion and Society.

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L'Accademia mette a disposizione degli studiosi l'EARS Dashboard, una base dati che analizza mensilmente il contenuto di qualche centinaio di articoli di argomento religioso da tutto il mondo, ricavandone statistiche e grafici che mettono in rilievo i temi di maggiore evidenza e la loro intersezione.

Matthias Smallbrugge, presidente EARS, sull'attività della Accademia:

«Why do I consider EARS to be something very precious and highly relevant? Consider this: theology and religious studies try to understand the dynamics of religion in past and present times. That is why many of our faculties/departments still play an important role in the education of the future clergy. Yet, our society asks us to consider new, unexpected and urgent questions about religion. Dealing with these pressing questions, that in general have very little to do with the traditional confessional outlook of theology, obliges us to look for new ways of contributing to society. Ours is also the task to contribute to the discussions on topics such as gender, artificial intelligence, security, genetic engineering or the crisis of democracy.

All these issues can only be dealt with at a European scale and in all these debates, faculties and departments of theology and religious studies should be far more visible than they actually are. Dealing with societal issues, looking for a new legitimization of our discipline, making our knowledge available to the whole of society and playing a serious role in the debates of the future shape of humanity, that why I think EARS is a crucial network for scholars in the domain of religious studies and theology.»