Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore

Religious diversity and education

 14 dicembre 2021
Religious Diversity

EARS (European Academy on Religion and Society) è una rete europea di Dipartimenti e facoltà di Teologia e/o Scienze religiose. Le università aderenti e i loro studiosi collaborano su diverse direttrici, con lo scopo di rendere le loro conoscenze visibili e accessibili in un ampio contesto sociale.

Segnaliamo a questo proposito l'articolo di Antonio Cuciniello, Religious diversity and education: The Muslim world in some Italian textbooks (6 dicembre 2021).

In Italy the rapid and continuous growth of the migration phenomenon has also impacted on the school system over the years. According to the data provided by the Ministry of Education (Ministero dell’Istruzione, 2021), the number of students with non-Italian citizenship (NIC) has raised from the number of 37,478 (1993/1994) to 876,801 (10,3% of the total school population) in the school year 2019/2020. Considering their countries of origin, the variety has grown over the years to reach more than 200 countries, that is almost the whole world, even though the most numerous communities of students NIC are from Romania (156,718), Albania (118,778) and Morocco (108,454).

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