Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore


  • Abrardi, L., with L. Colombo, and P. A. Mori. 2016. “Customer Ownership and Quality Provision in Public Services under Asymmetric Information”, Economic Inquiry, 54 (3): 1499-1518.
  • Ascari, G., with N. Pecora, and A. Spelta. 2016. “Booms and burst in a housing market with heterogeneous agents”, Macroeconomic Dynamics, 13 (3): 305-326.
  • Avenali, A., with A. Boitani, G. Catalano, T. D’Alfonso, and G. Matteucci. 2016. “Assessing standard costs in local public bus transport: evidence from Italy”, Transport Policy, 52: 164-174.
  • Baglioni, A.S., with A. Boitani, and M. Bordignon. 2016.  “Labor Mobility and Fiscal Policy in a Currency Union”, FinanzArchiv: Public Finance Analysis, 72 (3): 1-36.
  • Baglioni, A.S., and U. Cherubini. 2016. “Eurobonds: a quantitative approach”, Review of Law and Economics, 12 (3): 507-521.
  • Balduzzi, P., and A. Rosina. 2016. “Studio e lavoro senza confine: generazione mobile", in Istituto Giuseppe Toniolo, La Condizione Giovanile in Italia. Rapporto Giovani 2016, Bologna: Il Mulino.
  • Balduzzi, P., and M.F. Ambrosanio. 2016. “La transizione infinita della finanza pubblica”, Aggiornamenti sociali, 6/7 (67): 478-489.
  • Barbetta, G.P., with L. Colombo, S. Colombo, and M. Grillo. 2016. “Intra-Competitiveness and Inter-Competitiveness among Mutual Banks: the case of Trento”, International Review of Economics, 63 (3): 195-214.
  • Barbetta, G.P., with S. Pellegrino, and G. Turati. 2016. “What explains the redistribution achieved by the Italian Personal Income Tax? Evidence from administrative data”, Public Finance Review, 46 (1): 7-28.
  • Barbetta, G.P., and R. Lodigiani. 2016. “In or out? Le società di mutuo soccorso tra Terzo settore e welfare plurale”, POLITICHE SOCIALI/ Social policies, 1: 83-100.
  • Boitani A., and R. Tamborini R. 2016. “New Institutions for an Effective EU and EMU Governance: A Brief Introduction”, Politica Economica/Journal of Economic Policy, 3: 375-386.
  • Bordignon, M., with T. Nannicini, and G. Tabellini. 2016. “Moderating Political Extremism: Single Round versus Runoff Elections under Plurality Rule”, American Economic Review, 106 (8): 2349-70.
  • Brenna, E. 2016. “Cross-Border Mobility in Italy: Some Considerations in Response to the Recent Commentaries”, International Journal of Health Policy & Management, 5 (14): 75-76.
  • Brenna E., and C. Di Novi. 2016. “Is caring for older parents detrimental to women’s mental health? The role of the European North-South gradient”, Review of Economics of the Household, 14 (4): 745-778.
  • Cappellari, L., and M. Leonardi. 2016. “Earnings Instability and Tenure”, Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 118 (2): 202-234.
  • Cappellari, L., with A. De Paoli, and G. Turati. 2016. “Do Market Incentives for Hospitals Affect Health and Service Utilization? Evidence from PPS-DRG Tariffs in Italian Regions”, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A, 179 (4): 885-905.
  • Cappellari, L., with K. Tatsiramos, and S. Polacheck. 2016. “Income Inequality around the World”, Research in Labor Economics, 44: 179-212, Bingley: Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
  • Cappellari, L. 2016. “Income Inequality and Social Origins”, IZA World of Labor, 261.
  • Colombo, L., and H. Dawid. 2016. “Complementary Assets, Start-Ups and Incentives to Innovate”, International Journal of Industrial Organization, 44: 177-190.
  • Colombo, S. 2016. “A model of three cities: the locations of two firms with different types of competition”, International Regional Science Review, 39: 386-416.
  • Colombo, S. 2016. “Does behaviour-based price discrimination foster firms differentiation?”, Bulletin of Economic Research, 68: 111-122.
  • Colombo, S. 2016. “Imperfect behaviour-based price discrimination”, Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, 25: 563-583.
  • Colombo, S. 2016. “Location choices with non-linear demand function”, Papers in Regional Science, 95: S215-S226.
  • Colombo, S. 2016. “Mixed oligopolies and collusion”, Journal of Economics, 118 (2): 167-184.
  • Colombo, S., and L. Filippini. 2016. “Revenue royalties”, Journal of Economics, 118 (1): 47-76.
  • Corno, L. 2016. “Homelessness and crime: do your friends matter?”, The Economic Journal, 602 (127): 959-995.
  • Femminis, G. 2016. “Money Growth, Dynamic Efficiency and Asset Bubbles in a Perpetual Youth Model”, Economic Letters, 138: 68-71.
  • Di Cagno, D., with A. Galliera, W. Güth, N. Pace, and L. Panaccione. 2016. “Make-up and suspicion in bargaining with cheap talk: An experiment controlling for gender and gender constellation”, Theory and Decision, 80 (3): 463-471.
  • Di Cagno, D., with A. Galliera, W. Güth, and L. Panaccione. 2016. “A hybrid public good experiment eliciting multi-dimensional choice data”, Journal of Economic Psychology, 56: 20-38.
  • Battiston, P., with S. Gamba. 2016. “The impact of social pressure on tax compliance: A field experiment”, International Review of Law and Economics, 46: 78-85.
  • Altomonte, C., with S. Gamba, M.L. Mancusi, and A. Vezzulli. 2016. “R&D investments, Financing Constraints, Exporting and Productivity”, Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 25 (3): 283-303.
  • Leti, P.E., and S. Nerozzi. 2016. Banca e Borsa allo specchio. Quattro decenni di riflessione sul sistema bancario e finanziario negli incontri di Sadiba (1977-2016), Quaderni Rossi 288: 1-100.
  • Dincecco, M., and G.M. Onorato. 2016. “Military Conflict and the Rise of Urban Europe”, Journal of Economic Growth, 21 (3): 259-82.
  • Fiorito, L., and C. Orsi. 2016. “Anti-Semitism and Progressive Era Social Science The case of John R. Commons”, Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 38 (1): 55-80. 
  • Dessì R., and S. Piccolo. 2016. “Two is Company, N is a Crowd? Merchant Guilds and Social Capital”, European Economic Review, 83: 90-110.
  • Chiavarini, M., with D. Lanari, L. Minelli, L. Pieroni, and L. Salmasi. 2016. "Immigrant mothers and access to prenatal care: evidence from a regional population study in Italy”, BMJ Open, 6 (2).
  • Giudici, P., and A. Spelta. 2016. “Graphical network models for international financial flows”, Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, 34 (1): 128-138.
  • Lehmann, E., with C. Lucifora, S. Moriconi, and B. Van der Linden. 2016. “Beyond the Labour Income Tax Wedge: the unemployment reducing effect of tax progressivity”, International Tax and Public Finance, 23 (3): 454-489.
  • Litina, A., with S. Moriconi, and S. Zanaj. 2016. “The Cultural Transmission of Environmental Values: A Comparative Approach”, World Development, 84: 131-148.
  • Magda, I., with D. Marsden, and S. Moriconi. 2016. “Lower Coverage but Stronger Unions? Institutional Changes and Union Wage Premia in Central Europe”, Journal of Comparative Economics, 44 (3): 638-656.
  • Orsi, C. 2016. “Reddito di Base, le radici di un’idea”, Aggiornamenti Sociali, 67 (4): 306-315.
  • Panebianco, F., with A. Antoci, A. Delfino, F. Paglieri, and F. Sabatini. 2016. “Civility vs. Incivility in Online Social Interactions: an Evolutionary Approach”, PLoS ONE, 11 (11).
  • Panebianco, F. 2016. “The Role of Persuasion in Cultural Evolution Dynamics”, International Review of Economics, 63 (3): 233-258.
  • Panebianco, F., with G. Olcina, and V. Calabuig. 2016. “The Erosion of Personal Norms and Cognitive Dissonance”, Applied Economic Letters, 23 (18): 1265-1268.
  • Piccolo S., with G. Puopolo and L. Vasconcelos. 2016. “Non-Exclusive Financial Advice”, Review of Finance, 20 (6): 2079-2123.
  • Bassi, M., with M. Pagnozzi, and S. Piccolo. 2016. “Product Variety with Competing Supply Chains”, Journal of Industrial Economics, 64 (3): 520-556.
  • Reissl, S. 2016. “Keen on Endogenous Money and Effective Demand - A further comment”, Review of Keynesian Economics, 4 (2): 201-207.
  • Terzi, A. 2016. “A T-shirt model of savings, debt, and private spending: lessons for the euro area”, European Journal of Economics and Economic Policies: Intervention, 13 (1): 39-56.
  • Terzi, A. 2016. “In the absence of fiscal union, the Eurozone needs a more flexible monetary policy: A comment”, PSL Quarterly Review, 69 (278): 279-285.