Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore


  • Ambrosanio, M.F., and P. Balduzzi. 2018. “Finanza pubblica italiana: bilancio della legislatura”, Aggiornamenti sociali, 3 (69): 190-201.
  • Baglioni, A., and M. Bordignon. 2018. “The Future of Fiscal Policy in the Euro Area”, CESifo DICE Report, 16 (2): 32-37.
  • Baglioni, A., and Bordignon M. 2018. “Sovereign Debt Restructuring: Rules versus Discretion”, Policy Brief, LUISS, School of European Political Economy, 19: 1-16.
  • Barbetta, G.P., with P. Canino, S. Cima, and F. Verrecchia. 2018. “Entry and Exit of Nonprofit Organizations. National, Sectorial, and Geographic Trends with Italian Census Data”, Nonprofit Policy Forum, 9 (2): 1-12.
  • Barbetta, G.P., with F. Maier, and F. Godina. 2018. “Paradoxes of Social Impact Bonds”, Social Policy & Administrations, 52 (7): 1332–1353.
  • Avenali, A., with A. Boitani, G. Catalano, T. D’Alfonso and G. Matteucci. 2018. “Assessing standard costs in local public bus transport: A hybrid cost model”, Transport Policy, 62: 48-57.
  • Brenna E., and L. Gitto. 2018, “Sindrome da affaticamento cronico: una prima analisi empirica per l’Italia”, Politiche sanitarie, 19 (1): 1-9.
  • Brenna E., and L. Gitto. 2018. “I costi economici e sociali della sindrome da affaticamento cronico/encefalomielite mialgica: una prima rassegna della letteratura”, Politiche sanitarie, 19 (2): 59-66.
  • Buso, M., and A. Stenger. 2018. “Public-Private Partnerships as a policy response to climate change”, Energy Policy, 119: 487-494.
  • Cappellari, L., and A. Di Paolo. 2018. “Bilingual schooling and earnings: Evidence from a language-in-education reform”, Economics of Education Review, 64: 90-101.
  • Colombo, L., and G. Weinrich. 2018. “Expectations and Policies in Deflationary Recessions”, Metroeconomica, 69: 224-250.
  • Colombo, L., with A. Baglioni, and G. Piccirilli. 2018. “On the Anatomy of Financial Literacy in Italy”, Economic Notes, 47 (2-3): 245–303.
  • Colombo, S. 2018. “Infinite Asymmetric Equilibria in Mixed Oligopoly”, Bulletin of Economic Research, 70: E114-E118.
  • Colombo, S. 2018. “Behavior-and characteristic-based price discrimination”, Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, 27: 237-250.
  • Colombo, S., and M. Scrimitore. 2018. “Managerial delegation under capacity commitment: a tale of two sources”, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 150: 149-161.
  • Colombo, S., with M. Grillo, G. Olivieri, and S. Scalzini. 2018. “La gestione dei rifiuti di imballaggio in Italia: profili e criticità concorrenziali”, LUISS Law Review, 1: 7-55.
  • Colussi, T. 2018. "Social Ties in Academia: a Friend is a Treasure", Review of Economics and Statistics, 100 (1): 45-50.
  • Corno, L., and A. de Paula. 2018. “Risky sexual behavior: biological markers and self-reported data”, Economica, 86 (342): 229-261.
  • Corno, L., with M. Bjorkman Nyqvist, D. de Walque, and J. Svensson. 2018. “Incentivizing Safer Sexual Behavior: Evidence from a lottery experiment on HIV prevention”, American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 10 (3): 287-314.
  • Cottini, E., and P. Ghinetti 2018. “Employment insecurity and employees’ health in Denmark”, Health Economics, 27 (2): 426-439.
  • Crinò R., with A. Bonfiglioli, and G. Gancia. 2018. “Betting on Exports: Trade and Endogenous Heterogeneity”, Economic Journal, 128 (609): 612–651.
  • Delli Gatti, D., with T. Assenza, P. Colzani, and J. Grazzini. 2018. “Does Fiscal Policy Matter? Tax, Transfer and Spend in a Macro ABM with Capital and Credit”, Industrial and Corporate Change, 27 (6): 1069-1090.
  • Delli Gatti, D., and M. Gallegati. 2018. “Macrofinancial imbalances in historical perspective: A global crisis index”, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 91 (1): 190-205.
  • Galliera, A. 2018. “Self-selecting random or cumulative pay? A bargaining experiment”, Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 72: 106-120.
  • Di Cagno, D., with A. Galliera, W. Güth, and N. Pace. 2018. “Behavioral Patterns and Reduction of Sub-Optimality: An Experimental Choice Analysis”, Theory and Decision, 85: 151-177.
  • Di Cagno, D., with A. Galliera, W. Güth, and L. Panaccione. 2018. “Intention-Based Sharing”, Games, 9 (2): 1-24.
  • Di Cagno, D., with A. Galliera, W. Güth, and L. Panaccione. 2018. “Gender Differences in Yielding to Social Influence An Impunity experiments”, Games, 9 (4), 86.
  • Ascari, G., with A. Florio, and A. Gobbi. 2018. "High trend inflation and passive monetary detours", Economics Letters, 172: 138-142.
  • Lossani, M. 2018. “Which (Fiscal) Soul for Europe?”, Rivista Internazionale di Scienze Sociali, 4.
  • Lucifora, C., and P. Naticchioni, “The “Jobs Act” and Industrial Relations: a lost Opportunity?”, Economia Italiana, 2-3: 72-100.
  • Lucifora, C., and D. Vigani. 2018. “Healthcare utilization at Retirement: the role of the opportunity cost of time”, Health Economics, 27 (12): 2030-2050.
  • Mancusi, M.L., with A. Vezzulli, S. Frazzoni, Z. Rotondi, and M. Sobrero. 2018. “Innovation and export in SMEs: the role of relationship banking”, Economica, 85 (337): 177-204.
  • Conti, C., with R. Sestini, F. Sanna Randaccio, M.L. Mancusi, and E. Verdolini. 2018. “Transition Towards a Green Economy in Europe: Innovation and Knowledge Integration in the Renewable Energy Sector”, Research Policy, 47 (10): 1996-2009.
  • Asso, P. F., and S. Nerozzi. 2018. “Preserving Financial Stability in Times of Crisis. A Tale of Two Public Banks: Monte dei Paschi di Siena and Banco di Sicilia, 1929-1940”, The Journal of European Economic History: 9-39.
  • Nielsen, C. 2018. “Rational Overconfidence and Social Security: Subjective Beliefs, Objective Welfare”, Economic Theory, 65: 179-229.
  • Nielsen, C., and G. Weinrich. 2018. “Bank Regulation when both Deposit Rate Control and Capital Requirements are Socially Costly”, International Journal of Economic Theory, 14: 139-178.
  • Panebianco, F., and T. Hellmann. 2018. “The Transmission of Continuous Cultural Traits in Endogenous Social Networks”, Economics Letters, 167: 51-55.
  • Panebianco, F., with G. Olcina, and V. Calabuig. 2018. “Team Production and Culture”, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 149: 32-45.
  • Salmasi, L., and E. Capobianco. 2018. ‘’Use of instrumental variables in electronic health record-driven models”, Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 27 (2): 608-621.
  • Perucca, G., with M. Piacenza, and G. Turati. 2018. “Spatial Inequality in Access to Health care: Evidence from an Italian Alpine Region”, Regional Studies, 53 (4): 478-489.
  • Tedeschi P., with G. Ursino, and L. Serio. 2018. “Making Sense of (Ultra) Low Cost Flights: Vertical Differentiation in Two-Sided Markets”, Management Science, 64 (1), 401-420.
  • Tedeschi P., with G. Ursino and S. Piccolo. 2018. “Deceptive Advertising with Rational Buyers”, Management Science, 64 (3): 1291-1310.
  • Costa-i-Font, J., and G. Turati. 2018. “Regional health care decentralization in unitary states: equal spending, equal satisfaction?”, Regional Studies, 52 (7): 974-985.
  • Assandri M., with A. Maffioletti, M. Piacenza, and G. Turati. 2018. “Risk attitudes and preferences for redistribution: new evidence from the lab”, CESifo Economic Studies, 64 (3): 489-515.
  • Attanasi, G., with N. Georgantzìs, V. Rotondi, and D. Vigani. 2018. “Lottery- and survey-based risk attitudes linked through a multichoice elicitation task", Theory and Decision, 84 (3): 341-372.