Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore


Baglioni, A., and F. Cefala. 2021. “Banks sovereign exposures: in search of new rules”, Journal of Financial Regulation: 7 (1).

Barbetta, G.P., P. Canino, and S. Cima. 2021.  “Let’s tweet again? Social networks and literature achievement in high school students”, Education Finance and Policy. Published ahead of print September 30, 2021.

• Martini, A., E. Rettore, G.P. Barbetta, and F. Sandrolini. 2021. “When Non-Compliance Carries the Day: Evaluating the Effectiveness of an Employment Program for the Severely Mentally Ill”, Evaluation Review, Published ahead of print October 21, 2021.

• Boitani, A., and R. Tamborini.  2021. “The future of the Euro Zone. A reflection paper on the North South divide”, in Caetano, J.,Vieira, I.,Caleiro, A. (eds.). New Challenges for the Eurozone Governance, Springer, 1-21.

• Brenna, E. 2021. “The Economic and Social Burden of Osteoporosis in Developed Countries: Health Policy Considerations Based on a Literature Review”, International Journal of Business and Social Science, 12 (6).

• Brenna, E. 2021. “Assistenza Residenziale: Anziani, bisogno di cure e risposte del SSN”, 17° Rapporto CREA Sanità, cap. 7.

Cappellari, L., with R. Caminal, and A. Di Paolo. 2021. “Language-in-education, language skills and the intergenerational transmission of language in a bilingual society”, Labour Economics: 70.

• Cipullo, D. 2021. “Voting Systems and Fiscal Policy: Evidence from Runoff and Plurality Elections”, National Tax Journal, 74 (2): 347-376.

• Delli Gatti, D., and E. Grugni. 2021. “Breaking Bad: Supply Chain Disruptions in a Streamlined Agent Based Model”, European Journal of Finance, DOI: 10.1080/1351847X.2021.1963300.

• Delli Gatti, D., with G. Tedeschi, D. Vidal-Tomas, and M. Gallegati. 2021. “The macroeconomic effects of default and debt restructuring: An agent based exploration”, International Review of Economics and Finance, 76 (C): 1146-1163.

• Dragomirescu-Gaina, C., with D. Philippas, S. Goutte, and D. Nguyen. 2021. “Investors’ attention and information losses under market stress”, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 191: 1112-1127.

• Dragomirescu-Gaina, C. 2021. “Facing an unfortunate trade-off: policy responses, lessons and spillovers during the COVID-19 pandemic”, Economics & Human Biology, 43, 101052.

• Femminis, G., and G. Piccirilli. 2021. “Efficient information acquisition with heterogeneous agents”, Economics Letters, 207, article 110025.

Gerotto, L., and P. Pellizzari. 2021. “A replication of Pindycks willingness to pay: on the efforts required to obtain results”, SN Bus Econ, 1: 69.

 Gerotto, L., with L. Salmasi, and G. Turati. 2021. “Mutamenti demografici, spesa sanitaria e politiche per la salute”, Rivista di Politica Economica, 2: 131-156.

Lucifora, C., and A. Garnero. 2021. “Turning a Blind Eye? Compliance with Minimum Wage Standards and Employment”,  forthcoming in Economica.

Lucifora, C., and D. Vigani. 2021. “What if your boss is a woman? Evidence on gender discrimination at the workplace”, forthcoming in Review of Economics of the Household.

Lucifora, C., D. Meurs, and E. Villar. 2021. “The “Mommy Track” in the Workplace. Evidence from a Large French Firm”, forthcoming in Labour Economics.

Lucifora, C., and D. Vigani. 2021. “Losing control? Unions’ Representativeness, Pirate Collective Agreements and Wages”. Industrial Relations, 60 (2): 188-218.

• Turati G., with M. Di Giacomo, M. Piacenza, and L. Siciliani. 2022. “The effect of co-payments on the take-up of prenatal tests”, Journal of Health Economics, vol. 81, 102553.