Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore


• Baglioni, A., and M. Bordignon. 2022. “Public debt sustainability, fiscal rules and monetary policy”, Economia Italiana, n. 2.

• Balduzzi, P., and M.F. Ambrosanio. 2022. “La finanza pubblica tra pandemia e guerra”, Aggiornamenti sociali, 4 (73): 238-247.

• Barbetta, G.P. 2022. “Foundations: Is Measurement the Enemy of Creativity?” in M. Hoelscher, R.A. List, A. Ruser, and S. Toepler (eds), Civil Society: Concepts, Challenges, Contexts. Essays in Honor of Helmut K. Anheier, Springer Nature, Switzerland: 177-185.

• Aktas, K., and G.P. Barbetta. 2022. “The effect of giving credit to social enterprises: Evidence from Italy”, Italian Economic Journal, published ahead of print March 16.

• Aktas, K., with G. Argentin, G.P. Barbetta, G. Barbieri, and L. Colombo. 2022. “Gli studenti di origine straniera e la scelta della scuola superiore”, in M. Bordignon, and L. Cappellari (eds.), Per una migliore integrazione, Milano: Vita e Pensiero: pp. 15-39.

• Aktas, K., with G. Argentin, G.P. Barbetta, G. Barbieri, and L. Colombo. 2022. “High School Choices by Immigrant Students in Italy: Evidence from Administrative Data”, B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy, 22 (3): 527-572.

• Barbetta, G.P. 2022. “Social network a scuola? Per Pirandello non servono”, Vita e Pensiero, 2: 111-116.

• Argentin, G., with G.P. Barbetta, and T.E. Uberti. 2022. “The Evolution of Inter-Organisational Urban Networks to Face Poverty in Education. The REACT Experience”, Politiche Sociali/Social Policies, IX (3): 463-486.

 Boitani, A., with S. Perdichizzi, and C. Punzo. 2022. “Nonlinearities and expenditure multipliers in the Eurozone”, Industrial and Corporate Change, 31 (2): 552-575.

• Boitani, A., and R. Tamborini. 2022. “Reforming the European fiscal governance. Beyond new rules”, LUISS-SEP Policy Brief, 2.

• Bordignon, M., with M. Gamalerio, E. Slerca, and G. Turati. 2022 “Immigrazione e successo elettorale dei partiti populisti. Nuove evidenze sul paradosso del voto anti-immigrati”, in M. Bordignon, and L. Cappellari (eds.), Per una migliore integrazione, Milano: Vita e Pensiero: 115-135.

• Bordignon, M. 2022. “Crescita e decrescita economica nel terzo millennio” in V. Mastroiacovo, and G. Melis (eds.), Atti del Convegno Il diritto costituzionale tributario nella prospettiva del terzo millennio LUISS Guido Carli, 10-11 giugno 2022, Torino: Giappichelli: pp. 171-183.

• Cappellari, L., Bingley, P., e Tatsiramos, K. 2022. "Parental assortative mating and the intergenerational transmission of human capital", Labour Economics, vol. 77.

Cipullo, D., with F. Carozzi, and L. Repetto. 2022. “Political Fragmentation and Government Stability. Evidence from Local Governments in Spain”, forthcoming in American Economic Journal: Applied Economics

• Cipullo, D., and Reslow, A. 2022. “Electoral Cycles in Macroeconomic Forecasts”, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 202: 307-340.

Colombo, L., and M. Botta. 2022. “Non-Linear Capital Structure Dynamics”, forthcoming in Journal of Business Finance and Accounting.

Colombo, L., P. Balduzzi, and M. Bordignon. 2022. “Pnrr, occorrono un monitoraggio e una valutazione diffusa”, Vita e Pensiero, 1: 71-77.

• Colombo, S., and A. Pignataro. 2022. “Information accuracy and collusion”, Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, 31: 638-656.

Colombo, S., and P. Garella. 2022. “Customer-based customization and price competition”, Journal of Industrial Economics, 70: 939-961.

• Colombo, S. 2022. “Optimal city zoning and Big Data”, Journal of Urban Management, 11: 269-277.

• Colombo, S. 2022. “Prisoner dilemma in a vertical duopoly with managerial delegation”, Managerial and Decision Economics, 43: 1476-1481.

• Colussi, T., with M. Anelli, and A. Ichino. 2022. “Rule Breaking, Honesty and Migration”, forthcoming in Journal of Law and Economics.

Corno, L., with E. La Ferrara, and J. Burns 2022. “Interactions,Stereotypes and Performance. Evidence from South Africa”, accepted at American Economic Review.

 Corno, L., and A. Voena. 2022. “Child Marriage as Informal Insurance: Empirical Evidence and Policy Simulations” forthcoming in Journal of Development Economics.

Cottini, E., E. Iossa, P. Ghinetti, and P. Sacco. 2022. “Stress, effort and Incentives at work”, forthcoming in Oxford Economic Papers.

• Cottini, E., with C. Lucifora, D. Vigani, and G. Turati. 2022. “Accesso e uso appropriato del Pronto Soccorso in Italia per i bambini. Le differenze tra nativi e migranti nel primo anno di età”, in M. Bordignon, and L. Cappellari (eds.), Per una migliore integrazione, Milano: Vita e Pensiero: 53-72.

Delli Gatti, D., and S. Reissl. 2022. “Agent-Based Covid economics (ABC): Assessing non-pharmaceutical in-terventions and macro-stabilization policies”, forthcoming in Industrial and Corporate Change.

• Gerotto, L., M. Costola, M. Donadelli, and I. Gufler. 2022. “Global Risks, the Macroeconomy, and Asset Prices”, forthcoming in Empirical Economics.

• Gerotto L., and G. Turati. 2022. “PNRR e fabbisogni di personale nella sanità italiana”, Prospettive Sociali e Sanitarie, n. 4, 5-8.

Ghisolfi, S., T. Bold, F. Nsonzi, and J. Svensson. 2022. “Market Access and Quality Upgrading: Evidence from Four Field Experiments”, American Economic Review, 112 (8): 2518-52

• Le Moglie, M., and D. Cipullo. 2022. “To Vote, or Not To Vote? On the Epidemiological Impact of Electoral Campaigns at the Time of COVID-19”, European Journal of Political Economy, 72, 102118.

• Le Moglie, M., with A. Aassve, and G. Daniele. 2022. “Never Forget the First Time: The Persistent Effects of Corruption and the Rise of Populism in Italy”, forthcoming in Journal of Politics.

• Le Moglie, M., with B. Arpino, and L. Mencarini. 2022. “What Tears Couples Apart:  An Analysis of Union Dissolution in Germany with Machine Learning”, Demography, 59 (1): 161–186.

• Le Moglie, M., with L. Mencarini, and R. Piccareta. 2022. “M.Life-course perspective on personality traits and fertility with sequence analysis”, forthcoming in Journal of the Royal Statistical Society - Series A. 

• Lossani, M. 2022. “Gli Effetti Economici delle Sanzioni alla Russia: Una Prima Valutazione”, SIDIBlog.

• Lossani, M. 2022. “Dall’iperglobalizzazione alla slowbalisation”, Vita e Pensiero, 4: 10-17.

• Lucifora, C., and A. Garnero. 2022. “Turning a ‘Blind Eye’? Compliance with Minimum Wage Standards and Employment”, Economica.

• Lucifora. C., with D. Biancardi, and F. Origo. 2022. “Short-time work and unionization”, Labour Economics, 78, 102188.

• Terzi, A. 2022. “Fiscal sustainability under a paper standard: two paradigms”, Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, 1-31.

• Turati, G., with R. Novaro, and M. Piacenza. 2022. “Does money laundering inflate residential house prices? Evidence from the Italian provincial markets”, Kyklos, 1– 20.

• Turati G., with Beraldo S., and Piacenza M. 2022. “The importance of the future when deciding levels of personal responsibility and demand for redistribution”, Economic Modelling, vol. 116.