- Milano
- Dipartimento di Economia e finanza
- Pubblicazioni
- Working papers del Dipartimento
- N. 119 - "Behavioural credit cycles"-Domenico Delli Gatti and Gabriele Iannotta
N. 119 - "Behavioural credit cycles"-Domenico Delli Gatti and Gabriele Iannotta
We explore the intertwined dynamics of asset prices and the macroeconomy in a Behavioural model of Credit Cycles (BCC) characterized by a credit friction à la Kiyotaki and Moore and heterogeneous expectations cum heuristic switching à la Brock and Hommes. This behavioural approach allows to better understand and replicate the effects of shocks.
In the absence of actual defaults, following a positive productivity shock, our behavioural model (BCC Mark I) generates hump-shaped impulse-response functions that are more realistic than those generated by the same shock in a corresponding model with rational expectations (RCC).
When the behavioural model allows also for defaults (BCC Mark II), a productivity shock triggers ample and persistent fluctuations (if the intensity of choice of the lender is sufficiently high), a feature that is absent in BCC Mark I (and of course in RCC).
JEL codes: E32, E44, D84.
Keywords: Credit Market, Collateral Constraints, Heterogeneous Expectations, Bankruptcy, Boom Bust Cycles.
ISSN 2704-7407
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