- Milano
- Dipartimento di Economia e finanza
- Pubblicazioni
- Working papers del Dipartimento
- N. 120 - "Money versus debt financed regime: Evidence from an estimated DSGE model" - Chiara Punzo and Giulia Rivolta
N. 120 - "Money versus debt financed regime: Evidence from an estimated DSGE model" - Chiara Punzo and Giulia Rivolta
We estimate a money-financing versus debt-financing medium-scale dynamic stochastic general equilibrium for the US with Borrower-Saver framework. Our results suggest that the share of net borrowers in a MF regime (17%) is lower than the one in a DF regime (19%). The MF regime enhances the positive effects of fiscal and risk premium shocks with respect to the DF
regime. After an inflationary shock the MF regime leads to a mild recession while the DF regime leads to a temporary expansion followed by a sharp recession. The fiscal shock mainly explains the variance in output and borrower's consumption in a MF regime. The variance of the saver's consumption remains mainly linked to the risk premium shock in both regimes. In a DF regime, the wage mark-up shock plays the major role.
JEL codes: E32; E42; E52.
Keywords: Borrowers-Savers; Bayesian Estimation; Monetary Policy.
ISSN 2704-7407
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