Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore

N. 64 - "Parents, Siblings and Schoolmates: The Effects of Family-School Interactions on Educational Achievement and Long-Term Labor Market Outcomes" - Marco Bertoni, Giorgio Brunello and Lorenzo Cappellari


We investigate whether the effects of schoolmates’ gender and average parental education on educational achievement, employment and earnings vary with individual family characteristics such as the gender of siblings and own parental education. We find that the benefits from exposure to “privileged” peers accrue mainly to “disadvantaged” students and decline when the dispersion of parental education in the school increases. We also show that boys with sisters who are exposed to a higher share of girls at school have poorer employment prospects. The opposite is true for girls who have sisters. Overall, the size of the estimated effects is small.

Keywords: Education peer effects, gender, parental background, human capital production, long term outcomes
JEL codes: I21, J16, J24