- Milano
- Dipartimento di Economia e finanza
- Pubblicazioni
- Working papers del Dipartimento
- N. 77 - "Debt restructuring with multiple bank relationships" - Angelo Baglioni, Luca Colombo and Paola Rossi
N. 77 - "Debt restructuring with multiple bank relationships" - Angelo Baglioni, Luca Colombo and Paola Rossi
When the debt of firms in distress is dispersed, a restructuring agreement is difficult to reach because of free riding. We develop a repeated game in which banks come across each other frequently, allowing them to threaten a punishment in case of free riding. As the number of lending banks grows, the chance of meeting again a bank and of being punished for free riding increases, improving the likelihood of cooperation. Looking at Italian firms in distress, we find that the restructuring probability increases with the number of banks up to a threshold - three banks - beyond which coordination problems prevail.
Keywords: banks, debt restructuring, number of creditors
JEL codes: G21, G33
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