- Milano
- Dipartimento di Economia e finanza
- Pubblicazioni
- Working papers del Dipartimento
- N. 87 - "Losing control? Unions' Representativeness, “Pirate” Collective Agreements and Wages" - Claudio Lucifora and Daria Vigani
N. 87 - "Losing control? Unions' Representativeness, “Pirate” Collective Agreements and Wages" - Claudio Lucifora and Daria Vigani
This paper documents the evolution of sector-level collective agreements in Italy and estimates the wage effects of the diusion of non-representative agreements, often signed by unknown organisations i.e. pirate agreements. Using employer-employee data from Social Security Archives, we find evidence of a signicant dumping eect on wages associated with different types of non-representative agreements (-15% with respect to regular collective agreements). We show that half of the wage dierential associated with pirate agreements is due to selection effects. Also, heterogeneous effects are found across firm size and industry affiliation. Finally, we show that firms with non-representative agreements are also less likely to comply with negotiated minimum wages set in representative collective agreements.
JEL codes: J52, J31, J41
Keywords: collective bargaining, collective agreements, representativeness, wage dierentials.
ISSN 2704-7407
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